The new AvlitePro™ App has been designed to allow for convenient servicing (via Bluetooth®) of the new Avlite AV-OL-75 compact solar ICAO Type A Compliant Obstruction Light. An easy to use interface and built-in intelligence, the App enables users to read the Obstruction Light’s battery status and history from their mobile phone or tablet up to 50 meters away.The App reduces maintenance times which improves productivity and safety risks are minimised as there is no need to climb onto a structure.Plus using the in-built Avlite Solar Calculator, you can verify the light’s ability to operate in a set location using the device GPS co-ordinates or manually select a global location from anywhere in the world. The solar calculator will determine the average sunlight hours for the given location, power requirements and provide a result to the user on suitability.Features: - Connects to Light via Bluetooth® for convenient servicing - Support Tools include the Solar Calculator, User Guide - Ability to check Light Battery Information and history - Set a security Pin - Reminder to replace battery